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发表在 2019-5-26 23:27 来自PC 复制链接 手机看帖 扫一扫!手机看帖更爽 0 13325


安省保守党政府以民为本,将通过与Rick Hansen基金会的全新合作关系,投资130万加元,无障碍认证计划将在安省启动,确保每个公共建筑对残疾人士的畅通无阻。

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通过这项投资,Rick Hansen基金会将对250个设施进行评级。该计划预计将于今年秋季开始,并将在未来两年内在安大略省的部分社区推出。

“消除建筑物中的障碍将有助于使社区和企业的服务更容易被公众获得,并且可以为残疾人带来工作机会,”安省老年人厅长Raymond Cho指出。


“我非常高兴和荣幸能够与安省政府合作,130万加元的投入,将大大改善公共建筑和社区的便利性,有助于使安大略省更具包容性,让残疾人充分发挥其潜力, “Rick Hansen基金会创始人Rick Hensen表示。


- 我们的政府通过帮助消除建筑物中的障碍,使社区服务更容易获得,重点关注对残疾人最重要的事项。

- 在安省15岁及以上的大约有四分之一的人患有残疾,这一数字在老年人中增加到43%。

- 安大略省的许多建筑物仍然是残疾人和老年人的挑战。

- 残疾人和老年人从事社区活动,代表着巨大的潜在就业和客户群。当建筑物无法进入时,人们被排除在外,企业和社区就会有所损失。

- 安省政府通过与Rick Hansen基金会的新合作关系,在两年内投资130万加元。

- 认证计划将通过经过培训的可访问性访问者提供对企业和公共建筑的可访问性评估,并将帮助物业经理和所有者确定消除已识别障碍的方法。

- 通过这项投资,Rick Hansen基金会将在未来两年内对安大略省部分社区的约250个设施进行评估。

- 消除建筑物中的障碍将有助于使所有人更容易获得社区和企业,并为就业做好准备。

- 我们正在与基金会密切合作,为该计划的详细设计,以最好地满足安大略省的需求。

- 易于获取意味着向所有人开放。它使企业和社区受益,并使他们接触到合格的人才和更多的客户
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Taking Action to Remove Barriers for People with Disabilities

TORONTO — People with disabilities and seniors deserve to remain engaged in their communities and represent a huge potential employee and customer base. Many buildings in Ontario continue to be a challenge for people with disabilities and seniors. When buildings are not accessible, people are shut out from fully participating in everyday life, businesses fail to reach their full potential, and communities are not as welcoming as they should be.

Ontario is focusing on what matters most to people with disabilities and seniors by helping to remove barriers in buildings and making communities more accessible.

The Government of Ontario is investing $1.3 million over two years through a new partnership with the Rick Hansen Foundation. Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility, and Rick Hansen, Founder of the Rick Hansen Foundation, were at the MaRS Discovery District today to announce that the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification program will be launched in Ontario.

The certification program will provide accessibility ratings of businesses and public buildings by trained professionals, and will help property managers and owners determine ways to remove identified barriers.

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Through this investment, the Rick Hansen Foundation will undertake ratings of 250 facilities. The program is expected to start this fall and roll out over the next two years in select communities across Ontario.

"Removing barriers in buildings will help make communities and businesses more accessible and open for jobs," said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility.

"We are working to ensure people with disabilities have the support and resources they need to participate more fully in their communities, as consumers and employees. Being accessible benefits businesses and communities and opens them up to qualified talent and more customers."

"I am very pleased and honoured to be collaborating with the Ontario government. The $1.3 million will go a long way in providing meaningful access to buildings and communities, and will help make Ontario more inclusive where people with disabilities are living to their full potential," said Rick Hansen, Founder of the Rick Hansen Foundation.

以上信息由Oakville - North Burlington省议员选民办公室提供,欢迎点击图片访问议员脸书。

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