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安省在2020年推出GO Transit免费Wi-Fi。GO火车和公共汽车上的免费Wi-Fi将为客户提供更好,更便捷的交通体验。

Oakville North-Burlington 省议员Effie Triantafilopoulos宣布安省保守党政府将为GO巴士和火车提供免费Wi-Fi。政府的运输机构Metrolinx已与Icomera Canada Inc.签署协议,从2020年起将所有1,475 辆GO公交车和火车连接Wi-Fi。


“我们很高兴与GO客户分享这一消息,”交通厅副厅长Kinga Surma表示。 “我们的政府正在履行承诺,通过让他们有机会在上班,上学或约会期间与家人,朋友和同事保持联系,让人们的生活更轻松便捷。”

“在GO火车和公共汽车上引入Wi-Fi对于本地人来说是个好消息,”省议员Effie表示。 “这将使省民获得更好,更高效的科技和生活体验,无论他们是上班途中,上学还是与家人和朋友共度时光。”

“我们知道我们的客户希望随时保持与外界的顺畅联系,以便在与我们一起旅行时充分利用他们的旅行时间,”Metrolinx首席营销办公室的Mark Childs说。 “这就是为什么我们非常高兴地宣布我们将在我们的火车和公共汽车上提供Wi-Fi。我们与Icomera的新合作伙伴关系是为了提供卓越的Wi-Fi和出色的车载娱乐体验。这是我们给客户提供的另一项激动人心的重要服务。“



- Metrolinx与Icomera合作,Icomera是为公共交通提供无线互联网连接的全球领导者,为GO Transit机队提供必要的基础设施和设备,包括532辆公交车和943辆列车客车。

- 客户将从2020年春季开始在公交车和火车上看到Wi-Fi。预计到2020年底,所有GO车辆都将提供Wi-Fi。

- GO Transit Wi-Fi将通过现代化的用户友好型门户网站提供互联网接入和免费娱乐内容。


Ontario Introducing Free Wi-Fi on GO Transit in 2020

Wi-Fi on GO trains and buses will make transit a better, more convenient experience for customers

September 4, 2019

Oakville North –Burlington Today, local MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos announced that the Ontario government is bringing free Wi-Fi to GO buses and trains. The government’s transit agency, Metrolinx, has signed an agreement with Icomera Canada Inc. to connect all 1,475 GO buses and trains to Wi-Fi beginning in 2020.

“We’re excited to share this news with GO customers,” said Kinga Surma, Associate Minister of Transportation (GTA). “Our government is delivering on its promise to make life easier for people by giving them the opportunity to stay connected to family, friends and colleagues while travelling to work, school or appointments.”

“Introducing Wi-Fi on GO trains and buses is great news for people in LOCATION,” said LOCAL MPP. “This will make taking the GO a better, more productive experience for people in our community, whether they are commuting to work, school or to spend time with family and friends.”

“We know our customers want to stay connected to make the most of their journey time while traveling with us,” said Mark Childs, Chief Marketing Office of Metrolinx. “That is why we are very excited to announce we will deliver Wi-Fi on our trains and buses. Our new partnership with Icomera is for great Wi-Fi and great on-board entertainment experiences. This is another exciting and important delivery for our customers.”


- Metrolinx has partnered with Icomera, a global leader in providing wireless Internet connectivity for public transit, for the necessary infrastructure and equipment to provide Wi-Fi on the GO Transit fleet, which includes 532 buses and 943 train coaches.

- Customers will begin to see Wi-Fi on buses and trains starting in spring 2020. Wi-Fi is expected to be available on all GO vehicles by the end of 2020.

- GO Transit Wi-Fi will include Internet access and free entertainment content through a modern, user-friendly portal.

以上信息由Oakville - North Burlington省议员选民办公室提供。
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