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选民必读 - EFFIE省议员关于新型冠状病毒的进一步指南

发表在 2020-1-30 15:38 来自手机 复制链接 手机看帖 扫一扫!手机看帖更爽 0 8843

本文由Oakville North-Burlington省议员选民办公室提供。

- 安大略省人民的健康和福祉是安省保守党政府最关心的问题。

- 自从了解新型冠状病毒在中国的爆发以来,安大略省一直在积极监测,以迅速发现并遏制武汉新型冠状病毒的任何病例。

- 加拿大公共卫生局,安大略省和多伦多公共卫生局正在直接相互配合,以激活并执行全面计划以遏制该病毒。

- 需要明确的是,目前为止对安大略人的风险仍然很低。

- 每个人都应该欣慰地知道,我们熟练的医疗保健提供者正在将他们丰富的经验用于有效地监视和应对这种新出现的情况。











- 任何有关工作场所健康和安全的问题都应引起雇员和雇主的注意。雇主有责任查明危害并采取适当的危害控制措施。

- 雇员还可以向工作场所的联合健康与安全委员会或健康与安全代表提出问题。联合健康与安全委员会,或健康与安全代表,在识别工作场所的危险并就保护雇员所需的措施提出建议方面发挥作用。

- 对工作场所的健康和安全有疑问的个人可以在周一至周五的上午8:30至下午5:00之间致电1-877-202-0008与劳动,培训和技能发展部-健康与安全联系中心联系。随时致电报告不安全的工作习惯,重伤,死亡或拒绝工作。在紧急情况下,请始终拨打911。








Effie Triantafilopoulos,MPP
Oakville North –Burlington
2525 Old Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 4J2
Office: (905) 825-2455
Facebook: EffieONB
Twitter: Effie_ONB


Novel Coronavirus Guide
Date: January 29th, 2020

Key Messages:

·  The health and wellbeing of the people of Ontario is our government’s top concern.
·   Since learning about the outbreak of the Wuhan novel coronavirus in China, Ontario has been actively monitoring to quickly detect and contain any cases of the Wuhan novel coronavirus.
·  The Public Health Agency of Canada, Ontario and Toronto Public Health are working directly alongside each other to activate and execute comprehensive plans to contain the virus.
·  We knew that it wasn’t unlikely that Ontario experience a case of the Wuhan novel coronavirus, and as such were well prepared to quickly respond.
·  To be clear, the risk to Ontarians remains low.
·   Everyone should take comfort in knowing that our skilled health care providers are bringing their considerable experience to effectively monitor and respond to this emerging situation.

If a constituent has concerns about their own health what should they do?

Patients concerned with their own health should contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or their local Public Health Unit http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/system/services/phu/locations.aspx

If a constituent wants to report the health of someone else what do I do?

Patients concerned with the health of others can ask the individuals to contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or their local Public Health Unit http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/system/services/phu/locations.aspx

If a constituent wants to report a suspected case what do I do?

Individuals who wish to report a suspected case of novel coronavirus are encouraged to contact their local Public Health Unit: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/system/services/phu/locations.aspx

If a constituent is asking about their labour rights what should they do?

·  Any concerns about health and safety in a workplace should be brought to the attention of a worker’s employer. The employer has a duty to identify hazards and to put into place appropriate controls for hazards.

·  The worker may also wish to raise the issue with the joint health and safety committee or health and safety representative in the workplace. The joint health and safety committee, or health and safety representative, have a role in identifying hazards in the workplace and making recommendations about measures needed to protect workers.

·  Individuals with questions about workplace health and safety can contact the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development - Health and Safety Contact Centre at 1-877-202-0008 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Call any time to report an unsafe work practice, critical injury, fatality or work refusal. In an emergency, always dial 911.

If a constituent is concerned about their children going to school what do I do?

Please remind them that the risk to Ontarians remains low. Individuals who have concerns about children attending their local school are encouraged to contact their local Public Health Unit: http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/system/services/phu/locations.aspx

All Ontarians can visit Ontario.ca/coronavirus to learn about how the Ministry of Health is preparing for the 2019 novel coronavirus. At this dedicated web page, Ontarians can find out how to protect themselves, what to do if they’re sick after travel and how to recognize possible symptoms.

·   The health and wellbeing of the people of Ontario is our government’s top concern.

·   Since learning about the outbreak of the Wuhan novel coronavirus in China, Ontario has been actively monitoring to quickly detect and contain any cases of the Wuhan novel coronavirus.

·   The Public Health Agency of Canada, Ontario and Toronto Public Health are working directly alongside each other to activate and execute comprehensive plans to contain the virus.

·   We knew that it wasn’t unlikely that Ontario experience a case of the Wuhan novel coronavirus, and as such were well prepared to quickly respond.

·  To be clear, the risk to Ontarians remains low.

·   Everyone should take comfort in knowing that our skilled health care providers are bringing their considerable experience to effectively monitor and respond to this emerging situation.

·  For further details, please visit the Ministry of Health website for the latest information on government action on 2019 novel coronavirus:  https://www.ontario.ca/page/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov

·   Any further questions or concerns about screening measures should be directed to the Public Health Agency of Canada: 1-844-280-5020

Effie Triantafilopoulos,MPP
Oakville North –Burlington
2525 Old Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 4J2
Office: (905) 825-2455
Facebook: EffieONB
Twitter: Effie_ONB

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