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省议员Effie谈教师罢工和父母们应该知道的真相!- 议员之声

发表在 2020-2-7 14:17 来自PC 复制链接 手机看帖 扫一扫!手机看帖更爽 0 8828

以上信息由Oakville North-Burlington省议员选民办公室提供。


- 我们的目标一直是积极寻找通过谈判达成的对选民和教师之间的公平解决方案,让孩子们留在教室上课是我们的一贯坚持和努力的方向。迄今为止,我们已经与多个劳资谈判成功地达成了这一协议。

- 我们认识到工会的罢工升级行动对家庭的影响很大,工会不负责任的举动让勤奋工作的家庭承担其周期性劳动行动的成本。

- 在教师工会给家庭和学生造成困难的同时,我们的政府正在采取积极措施,以确保学生得到照顾和家人的支持,以防工会决定为提高薪酬和其他要求而进一步升级工作行动。

- 全面取消服务可能需要父母做出其他安排。罢工也可能影响位于学校的全日制托儿所的运营,迫使他们关闭,这是工会罢工行动升级的直接结果。

- 为了解决父母的实际困难,安省政府启动了“支持父母”倡议计划,政府将为家长们提供托儿补贴。将资金直接投入父母的口袋。我们将确保为受罢工影响的家庭提供尽可能多的托儿服务和其他安全场所,并为因工会升级而面临困难的父母提供支持。任何因教师工会罢工受影响的父母可上网申请政府补助: www.ontario.ca/supportforparents


- 在过去的15年中,安大略省的教师的工资一直在上涨。1

- 从2003-04到2017-18年度,教师薪金总额已从65亿加元增至117亿加元(增幅超过 80%)。2

- 同时,教师人数增加了约12%,而学生人数增加了不到1%。3

- 在2018-19年度,教师人数增加了2140人,即1.6%;这是过去十年来教师人数同比增长最多的一年。4

- 拥有十年经验的安大略省公立教师的薪水是全加拿大最高的(97,474加元),比加拿大的平均薪资高出10,000加元。5

-  OSSTF(The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation is a trade union which represents 60,000 members across Ontario, Canada.) 老师的平均收入为92,000加元。6

- 安大略省教师处于全国第二高薪水平。7

- 根据加拿大统计局的数据,安大略省长期任职的中小学教师是所有省份中收入最高的。数据显示,工会薪金最高的教师的年薪为97,474加元,而其他所有省份的平均水平为86,059加元。8

- 截至2018年,有10,038名教师的收入至少为100,000加元,是2014年的四倍多,当时只有2,502名教师入榜。9

- 教师旷工每年使政府为此付出6.5亿加元。10

- 与2010年相比,公立小学老师的平均病假天数比2010年多四倍,而公立中学教师的平均病假天数比2010年多三倍。

-  政府提供合理的1%的薪酬增加幅度。


1Ministry of Education
2 Ministry of Education
3 Ministry of Education
4 Ministry of Education - As reported by schools/school boards in School September Report (1999-2000 to 2001-2002), School October Report (2002-2003 to 2005-2006), and in the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS), 2006-2007 to 2018-2019.
5Statistics Canada, Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective, 2019. Table  C.3.1 https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/ ... 9001/ch/chc-eng.htm
6 Ministry of Education
7 Ministry of Education
10Ministry of Education


Effie Triantafilopoulos,MPP
Oakville North –Burlington

2525 Old Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 4J2
Office: (905) 825-2455
Facebook: EffieONB
Twitter: Effie_ONB


Teacher union leaders once again are breaking their promise to parents as they proceed with a full one-day withdrawal of services, province-wide.The consequences of union-led escalation are real, as families are forced to find child care on short notice. Repeated escalation at the expense of our students, to advance higher compensation, higher wages, and even more generous benefits, is unacceptable for parents and students in our province. We firmly believe students should be in class, which is why we continue to stand ready to negotiate to reach a deal Ontario students and taxpayer deserve.

- Our aim has always been to reach a negotiated settlement that keeps kids in class, which we have done successfully with multiple labour partners to date.

- We recognize the impact of union escalation on families is real, and unions expect hard-working families to bear the costs of their cyclical labour action.

- While teacher unions are creating hardship on families and students, our government is taking proactive steps to ensure students remain cared for—and families supported—in the event that unions decide to further escalate job action in their fight for enhanced compensation and other demands.

- A full withdrawal of services could require parents to make alternative arrangements. A strike could also impact the operation of full-day child care centres located in schools — forcing them to close as a direct result of escalating union job action.

- To address these potential realities, our Government launched its Support for Parents initiative that puts money directly into the pockets of parents. We will ensure to make sure that child care and other safe spaces are as accessible as possible for any family impacted by strikes, and to also provide support to parents who are facing increased costs due to union escalation.

- Parents and students deserve predictability and stability. These measures are yet another example of our commitment to parents and students and focus on keeping them in class.
Just The Facts

- Teachers in Ontario have had their salaries rise over the last 15 years.[1]

- From 2003-04 to 2017-18, the total bill for teachers’ salaries has increased from $6.5B to $11.7B (over 80%).[2]

- At the same time, the number of teachers increased by about 12% while the number of students increased by less than 1%. [3]

- In 2018-19, the number of teachers in the system increased by 2,140, or 1.6%; this was the largest year-over-year increase in the number of teachers over the last decade.[4]

- Salaries for public Ontario teachers with ten years of experience are the highest in the country ($97,474) - and over $10,000 more than the Canadian average.[5]

- The average OSSTF teacher makes $92,000[6]

- Ontario teachers are the second-highest paid in the nation[7]

- According to figures from Statistic Canada, Ontario’s long-serving primary and secondary teachers are the best-paid of any province. Teachers at the top of the union pay scale earn $97,474, according to the data, while the average for all other provinces sits at $86,059.[8]

- As of 2018, 10,038 teachers earn at least $100,000, more than four times the figure for 2014, when just 2,502 teacher made the list.[9]

- Absenteeism costs the government $650-million annually.[10]

- Public Elementary Teachers are taking on average more than four more sick days than in 2010, and public highschool teachers are on average taking more than three more sick days than in 2010.

- The government is offering a reasonable 1% increase in compensation.

1Ministry of Education
2 Ministry of Education
3 Ministry of Education
4 Ministry of Education - As reported by schools/school boards in School September Report (1999-2000 to 2001-2002), School October Report (2002-2003 to 2005-2006), and in the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS), 2006-2007 to 2018-2019.
5Statistics Canada, Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective, 2019. Table  C.3.1 https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/ ... 9001/ch/chc-eng.htm
6 Ministry of Education
7 Ministry of Education
10Ministry of Education

Effie Triantafilopoulos,MPP
Oakville North –Burlington

2525 Old Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 4J2
Office: (905) 825-2455
Facebook: EffieONB
Twitter: Effie_ONB

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